Our thanks as always go to Rick Buettner for his unstinting contributions in producing the wonderful images and recordings of the choir which are contained in this website.
Party in the City 2024
A Change of venue this year with a performance in the Wesleyan Chapel in Walcot Street.
Despite a latish slot the performance was well attended and enjoyed by both audience and the choir who adjourned to The Bell for refreshments and dancing!

Pop Up Sing
As a departure from our more formal performances we song bombed Bradford on Avon with impromptu renditions of some of our old and new repertoire including an old favourite O Mamabethu , which you may sample below.
Festive Concert 2023
Here are a selection of images and a video of our 2023 Festive Concert

Wells Cathedral

The choir was honoured to be able to sing at such an auspicious venue the acoustics of which did not disappoint.
Party in the City
Number 1 Royal Crescent, Bath
Forming part of the Bath Festival, Party in the City delivered a veritable cornucopia of music throughout Bath and we once again made our contribution to the evening with our performance in the auspicious surroundings of No.1 Royal Crescent.
This site being smaller than previous venues in which we have performed lent a more intimate less formal atmosphere to proceedings and was enjoyed by both the choir and the audience alike.
Trowbridge Weavers Market
Fore Street, Trowbridge
The choir entertained the market shoppers with a broad selection of musical styles sung under the watchful ear of our choirmaster Caroline at the Weavers Market held in the middle of Trowbridge.

Christmas Market 3rd December 2022

It was good to be back at the full Christmas Market again. There was a good buzz to proceedings and we drew a decent crowd. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity of singing in public again.
Festive Concert – St Nicholas Church, Winsley – 10th December 2022

Having thoroughly enjoyed our Festive Concert in 2021 we again held our Christmas fundraiser at St Nicholas Church, Winsley.
The wonderful accoustics of St Nicholas’ church didn’t disappoint. As usual we had a rich and varied range of old and new seasonal songs from around the globe including some written by Caroline our choirmaster.
Our chosen charity for the Christmas events was Storehouse Foodbank a project that aims to help those in short-term need of food and toiletries. Based in Trowbridge, this service began in 2006 in response to a growing need within our community. Since which good working relationships have developed with a range of local agencies and services to support the wider community. We were very pleased to raise £670 for them despite competing with the England World Cup game!
We also had a number of smaller groups from the choir singing their own festive choices.
Photography by Rick Buettner photography.
Here’s an extract from our rendition of Moon River
The Big Sing – Rook Lane Chapel – Frome -25th July 2022

A change of venue this year for our end of year get together with all of Caroline’s choirs. We sang in the beautiful Rook Lane Chapel where we came together to sing together, listen to each other sing and generally celebrate the end of our singing year. Time for a break before gathering again in the autumn.
Lunchtime Concert – Bath Abbey -15th June 2022

The choir have sung in Bath Abbey a number of times and its always a moving, magical and uplifting experience for us. This year many of the choir were unable to sing at the event so just 17 singers made their way to Bath on the 15th June.
The acoustics in the abbey are fantastic. The music soared and filled the space and the reduced choir gave a wonderful performance! A lovely event for everyone!
Have a listen below

Thanks to Rick Buettner for the videos http://www.rickbuettnerphotography.com/
Wedding – Bath Botanical Gardens – 28th May 2022

It was a beautiful sunny day for choir member, Andrea’s, daughter’s wedding and the setting was stunning. Originally sung by Elvis Presley, the choir sang a beautiful arrangement by Caroline, of, The Wonder of You, while the couple signed their vows.
Party in the City – Bath Festival 15th May 2022
We were all very happy to be back at Party in the City after two years without a Bath Festival. Back in the United Reform church, we performed a selection of our recent repertoire of songs from around the world. Not only do we sing, we can clap and sing at the same time!
Have a look at the us performing two songs from the night.
Thanks to Rick Buettner for the videos http://www.rickbuettnerphotography.com/
A Big Sing For Ukraine
Fundraising Concert at the Cheese and Grain 29/4/2022
What a fantastic turn out at this fundraiser at the Cheese and Grain on the evening of 29th April – over 280 tickets sold!
All proceeds, which currently stand at over £3,500, were donated to Frome Town Council’s Polish twin town Ukrainian refugee appeal.
Caroline masterminded the event and her husband Nick was an excellent host/compere. A huge thank you also has to go to the Cheese and Grain for allowing us to use the venue free of charge and to all the staff who enabled it to go ahead!
The informal singing get together saw all Carolines’ choirs; Jackdaws Songbirds (Frome), Sounding it Out (Trowbridge), and Shreen Harmony (Mere) unite for an evening of acapella singing and solidarity with Ukraine.
The evening started with a rousing Ukrainian folk song arranged by Caroline and sung by all choirs. Hei Sokoly tells of mountains, forests, falcons and skylarks and the sadness of leaving your love and homeland. Despite that it is an uplifting song and that was definitely the overriding mood of the evening.
Many of the songs referred to freedom, repression, strength, empathy and caring, hope and determination.
How lucky we are to enjoy the freedom to sing!
Festive Concert 2021 – Winsley
Mary’s Boy Child
Bradford on Avon Big Green Week – 25/9/2021
Well we are back! How great to be performing again after so many months. After so long it was good sing at the Big Green Week in Bradford on Avon.
The choir seemed to have no problem picking up where we left off before lockdowns stopped choirs from meeting. It was a joy to be singing together again.
Bradford on Avon roots festival – 18/1/2020

Second act on the main stage on Saturday. We had a good sized, appreciative audience at this excellent festival and celebration of local music of all genres and styles. We sang well, our soloists did us proud and we even managed to wave our flower props without incident ( no mean feat). Not a hundred percent sure the audience will have understood what we were doing unless they were fluent in Italian though.